1. Do not quit your job. This business does not require you to quit your job to do it for the rest of your life. Flipping can be done in your own time, at your own free will. Although, some investors do it full-time, if you're just starting out, better not quit your job first. You can attend to your business during the evenings or on the weekend.
2. Do not lose patience. Any business takes time. It's all about the timing. If you think you're not ready yet, you can still wait. Do not rush into flipping houses instantly by buying loads of houses. There will always be the right property and time for you to do business.
3. Do not do without proper research. Lack of knowledge is one of the things that can make you fail in flipping. Research about the areas you're going to flip in. Determine the buying trends of the people in the area. Identify what kind of houses sell and their prices.
4. Do not spend on things you do not need. If you do not need to spend on something, just don't do it. Think of more important matters to spend on. Sure, an expensive chandelier would look nice on the living room, but a new paint job might just do wonders on all parts of the house.
5. Do not overlook the outside appearance. Curb appeal is a very important factor when a buyer chose to buy a house. This might be too clichéd but, first impressions really last. If a buyer sees a non-presentable house on the outside, why would he even bother looking inside? Simply put, invest on beautifying the exteriors of the house, it'll do you good in the future.
The real estate market changes all the time. Be aware of the changes and be informed. Do not risk if it's not worth it. To know more about flipping houses, visit Rehablist.com. The site specializes on different real estate investing methods such as flipping, wholesaling, and rehabbing houses.