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วันศุกร์ที่ 28 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Short Sell - Selling & Buying Foreclosure Property & REO Real Estate For Maximum Profit by Ron Butterfield

Here's how to make big cash in the Short Sale foreclosure business: Automation. This is 2009. It's all about information traveling at lighting speed. In this article we will cover: How to buy foreclosure property, How to do short selling 99% automated, How to Short Sell for maximum cash flow and why REO real estate are poised to make those in the know an absolute fortune in the coming months.

Here's how to make big cash in the Short Sale foreclosure business: Automation. This is 2009. It's all about information traveling at lighting speed. All you have to do is reach out your hand, and grab it! Many real agents and investors interested in how to do short selling or how to buy foreclosure property,often spend months trying to find a short sell foreclosure to short sell and close, that one high five-figure or even a six-figure deal. Meanwhile, they pass up hundreds of profitable lower-priced short sell foreclosure properties and REO real estate. Why? They lack the simple Short Sale blueprint that attract distressed home owners to them.

And (I hate to even say it), this Residential Real Estate Crisis is only beginning! The little discussed, but very real 'Commercial Real Estate Bubble' is on the horizon, and is poised to pop. No, no.. actually 'explode'. Strip malls, empty office space, and deserted commercial properties are far more over leveraged than properties in the current housing crisis. When, and not 'if', when the commercial real estate bubble explodes, it will dwarf the 2008-09 housing crash by many magnitudes, further depressing real estate values as a whole nationwide. This will see a sharp increase in short foreclosures and REO real estate. Not to mention the 'phantom inventory' that banks have yet to flood the market with, numbering up to 675,000 across the United States.

Point is, this party is just getting started.

So, here's the question: "How to buy foreclosure property and short sell foreclosures at rock bottom prices? How to profit from foreclosures, bank repo houses, and a good pre foreclosure, and foreclosure property listing? What exactly needs to be done.

So, here comes the second question: If you had the 'perfect' Foreclosure Short Sell Blueprint, wouldn't you maybe, just maybe, you could spin this entire sub-prime mortgage catastrophe to your advantage?

Do you think that if you knew how to profit from foreclosures, how to short sale, a foreclosure property listing and a 1, 2, 3, step simple system, that you could make an absolute fortune in REO realestate, bank repo houses, short sell foreclosures?

Not only that, but could you also make your ridiculous fortune with short sell foreclosures, easily, on autopilot, from this historic (and ongoing) residential real estate crash?

The answer is a resounding "Yes"

But here is the harsh reality: Many real estate investors, foreclosure property listing brokers, pre foreclosure short sellers and agents sometimes work for three months, maybe netting $80,000 on one large deal. And to be blunt, many have absolutely no clue on how to profit from foreclosures, how to buy foreclosure property, and how to do short selling for maximum profit, with minimal work. They simply aren't doing it right, they aren't getting 'The Big Picture' in the new REO real estate, short sell foreclosure, and bank repo houses landscape. Wouldn't you rather close 8 to 10 easy-to-find pre-foreclosures every single month like clockwork for $10,000 profit each on autopilot than starve for months waiting for your short sell foreclosure deal to come through?

Clearly, this is a rhetorical question. Quantity with minimal effort: This is the new short sell foreclosure reality.

That's where having the proper Short Sell Blueprint comes into play. Knowing how to do short selling and how to profit from foreclosures now is a whole different ball game on how to buy foreclosure property. The reality is many short sales fall through at the last second simply because they weren't 'structured' properly. Learn to structure Short Sales perfectly and have the bank, the owner and the investor working together for you, all 100% automated.

